BEWARE of Foot Gadgets!

Problem: Patient presents to the office complaining of pain to her foot, specifically the 2nd toe region. She also noted how she had been wearing a bunion toe separator for a period of time shortly before the onset of her symptoms.
Outcome: Toe splint created so much pressure against the 2nd metatarsal (long bone of the 2nd toe) that it created a fracture.
Lesson Learned: Toe separators will not reverse a bunion deformity. Beware of these types of gadgets sold in stores and on social media-they will not work and in this patient's case actually caused a fracture. Bunions are a structural deformity and can only be accomodated with proper shoe gear or more often corrected surgically. We're happy to help you if you are dealing with a painful bunion! Not only will you resolve your bump pain but you will also preserve your joint from developing arthritis as well.
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